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Leaving Certificate:All pupils study Irish, English, Mathematics and French (except for those exempt and deemed eligible for learning support). All haveclasses of Physical Education, Religious Education, Career Guidance and R.S.E. (Relationships & Sexuality Education).

Subject choice:

Our aim is to enable each pupil to study four additional subjects and to take as many at honours level as his/her capability allows.

Pupils select from the following:

• Physics

• Geography

• Home Economics

• Chemistry

• Architectural Technology

• Economics

• Agricultural Sciencefacilities 7 20211125 1204985081

• Biology

• Art

• Accountancy

• Business

• Design and Communication Graphics

• Applied Mathematics

• Engineering

• Music

• Physics

• German

• History

• Technology.

Most combinations are possible.facilities 21 20211125 1055763896


This Department expands to take in visits to the theatre and lectures with occasional drama productions on the school stage.


Within the Irish Department many pupils attend summer courses in the Gaeltacht regions and groups have also been to the Aran Islands and participate in other cultural activities.

Home Economics

There are two fully equipped Home Economics rooms supported by a preparation area. Both boys and girls, become skilled in cooking, nutrition and household organisation.


As part of the enterprise developmentfacilities 19 20211125 1946121626 programme, mini-companies (theoretical and practical experience) are created each year for Transition Year with emphasis on creating products and services for sale. Inter-school competition, regionally and nationally, has been very successful in winning awards for enterprise for the College in recent years. A ‘Dragons’ Den’ style competition for young entrepreneurs is run each year.

Leaving Certificate Business comprises 7 modules. People in Business, Enterprise, Management 1, Management 2, Business in action, Domestic Environment and International Environment.

Religious Education

Kilkenny College is one of the first schools in the country offering RE as a subject in both Junior and Leaving Certificate levels.


Art is a timetabled subject in first year and then a subject of choice for the Junior and Leaving Certificates. The department offers a broad range of craft as well as the fine arts. There is an active Art Club every day after school where pupils can work on current projects helped by a member of staff. Pupils are assisted with their portfolio presentations for Art College.

This department has worked with the Artsfacilities 6 20211125 2068235401 Council ‘Artist-in-Residence scheme’, with which it has produced an animation film and a portrait exhibition which won national success in the Form and Fusion competition. Recent pupils’ work is to be seen throughout the college.

Technology Projects created each year in the woodwork, construction, engineering and metalwork departments are displayed on open days and are entered in the examination process each year.


Both academic and practical skills arefacilities 13 20211125 1286390228 developed in our flourishing Music Department. Like art, music is a timetabled subject in first year and is available as an option in the Junior and Leaving Certificate cycles.

Singing and a wide selection of instruments are taught. Pupils may borrow from the school’s extensive collection of instruments when they start. All instrumentalists are encouraged to play in the orchestra and/or jazz band, both of which give performances and compete at festivals during the year. The three choirs cover a large repertoire and perform regularly.

As well as the experience gained in performance, pupils also attend concerts, recitals and workshops. Pupils are prepared for examination with the R.I.A.M. or a similar board.