Parents are welcome to come and view the school where they will be met by the Principal or one of the Deputy Principals.  Most parents spend at least two hours on their initial visit and chat to the staff and pupils.  Pupils entered for September are invited with their parents, to the College Information meeting in May. The scholarship exams are held in the spring term.

Video Open Day from Kilkenny College on Vimeo.

New children are brought in to school in September a day before the main body of pupils to acquaint them with the campus and give them a day of induction, ensuring a smooth transition from small primary feeder schools to a very large campus.  Regular parent-teacher meetings are held throughout the year to monitor pupils’ progress.  Contact with each pupil is ensured through a system which divides all pupils into small groups, each allocated to a member of staff.

Each class year is overseen by a senior member of staff.  Parents are welcome to meet the Principal, one of the Deputy Principals or the Form 1 Year Head by appointment.  Parents remain closely involved with the school, supporting events such as the Carol Service, Prize Day, the games activities and matches.

Enrolment Documents