Our house team comprises:
House staff
Mr. Pieter Swanepoel (Head of Boys Boarding)
Mr. Eddie O’Mahony
Mr. Gordon Rowe
Mr. Kevin Murphy
Ms. Sheila Foley
Ms. Bernie White
Mr. Edmund Nolan
Mr. PJ Martin
In addition and including above;
- One female house parent is resident each night.
- Our College Nurse is on campus and On Call at night.
- A total of 20 Dorm Prefects ( Fourth and Fifth years) who assist in the pastoral care of the boys.
Butler House is currently home for years 1- 4. It is a custom built house, with dorms, kitchens, recreation rooms and study facilities. This allows students to become fully immersed in boarding life with ample opportunity to socialise and make new friends.
Wolfe House is the senior boys’ boarding house (5th and 6th years) where they have a little more independence in preparation for third level and the world beyond. In this building there are smaller dorms, kitchens, recreations rooms and study facilities.
Boys Boarding Contact Details
The House staff on duty can be contacted using the details below;
Duty Mobile phone 0876834025. e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Mr Pieter Swanepoel (Head of Boys Boarding) 0870971750. e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Daily routine for our boarders students
7.30am = Morning call.
7.30am-8am = Breakfast.
8.00am = Mobile devices returned, tidy and prepare for class.
8.40am = Morning classes.
11.20am = Students have break and tuck rooms opened.
11.35am = Class resumes.
12.15pm - 2.15pm = Staggered Lunch breaks and tuck rooms opened for different year groups at different times.
2.15pm = All year groups are back in afternoon classes
3.45pm = Games/recreation/ECA programme.
5.30pm = Games finish and change for tea.
5.30pm-6.40pm = Evening meal and recreation.
6.40pm-8.40pm = Prep for Junior and Senior years.
8.40 onwards = Seniors continues doing prep
8.40pm-9.40pm = Recreation and hand in devices for junior year groups followed by staggered bedtimes
Other relevant information.
Normal school finishes at 5.15pm each Friday, after which students travel home.
At 5.30pm each Friday students can avail of a bus service to most towns in the greater South East area, run by the Parents Association.
Students can return on either Sunday after 7.45pm or Monday before 8.30 am.