Recent Funding Requests

Posted on 4th March 2018 by Brian Scobie

At the January meeting of the Parents Association Committee, contribution to the refurbishment of the Music Department was approved as well as payment for Courier costs to allow for pick up of sofas for Boys boarding house.

February meeting approved funding for Gym Equipment, a contribution towards the cost of the Kate Russell Tournament Dinner and a further contribution to the cost of running the tournament.

Compass Interactive Meeting

Posted on 4th March 2018 by Brian Scobie

You are invited to: Compass Interactive Meeting

Date: Saturday 10th March, 2018

Time: 10.30 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Venue:  The High School Dublin, Rathgar


10.30 a.m.     Coffee on arrival

11.00 a.m.     Presentation and Discussion:

“Cyber-Aggression: How Can Parents Keep Their Children And Teenagers Safe?”

We are delighted that this talk will be presented by

Stephen Minton, Chartered Psychologist with, and Associate Fellow of, the British Psychological Society, and Professor in Psychology of Education at the School of Education, Trinity College Dublin


  • Chartered Psychologist with, and Associate Fellow of, the British Psychological Society, and Professor in Psychology of Education at the School of Education, Trinity College Dublin
  • Author of Marginalisation and Aggression from Bullying to Genocide (Sense, 2016), and Using Psychology in the Classroom (Sage, 2012); co-author of Dealing with Bullying in Schools: A Training Manual for Teachers, Parents and Other Professionals (Sage, 2004), and Cyber-Bullying: The Irish Experience (Nova Science, 2011); authored or co- authored over sixty other scholarly works on school bullying and violence
  • Seventeen years’ experience of designing, resourcing, implementing, providing training for and evaluating antibullying/ anti-cyber-bullying programmes at the school, community, regional, national and international levels
  • Father of a fourteen year-old daughter, and an eight year-old son

12.30 p.m.    Lunch for those who would like to avail of it.  (If so please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

We hope that many parents from Compass affiliated schools can attend and look forward to seeing you at School.  We extend our thanks to the Headmaster, Mr Andrew Forrest, for facilitating this Interactive Meeting

News from Parents Association

Posted on 22nd November 2017 by Brian Scobie

At the November meeting of the Parents Association. Mr Ger O’Neill was elected as Deputy Chairperson, Mr Dermot Dalton was elected to work with Brian Scobie on the PRO role.

Funding Requests: The Senior Boys Hockey Squad will receive the normal contribution per pupil to go towards their overnight costs at the recent All-Ireland competition in Cork.

Date for your Diary:  Christmas Carol Service 19th December, with Rothe House confirmed as the venue for the after service reception.

KCPA 2017/2018 First Meeting

Posted on 15th October 2017 by Brian Scobie

The First meeting for the 2017 -2018 took place in the College on Tuesday 10th October.All new members were welcomed by the Chairperson Mr Nick Bennett.

Kieran Pryal was elected as the new Treasurer. The Post of PRO /Website coordinator is still vacant. 

Funding Request wee approved for:-

  • Contribution to The Senior Boys Rugby Trip to Manchester.
  • Contribution to Debs Committee to help fund 6th Form Hoodies 
  • Contribution to the Smart TV Screen in the Girls Boarding House

Update from AGM: Board of Management.

Posted on 3rd October 2017 by Brian Scobie

After their 3 year service Shelly Stokes and Derek Beattie rotated out of their position of Parents Representatives on the Board of Management. The Parents Association Committee greatly appreciate their service and contributions on behalf of the Association and best wishes for the rest of their “school” involvement.

Through an open ballot Dorcas Collier Hannon, representing Boarders and Brian Scobie representing Day Pupils were elected to serve as the Parents Representatives onto the College Board of Management for the next 3 years. Best wishes and the committee look forward to working with you Dorcas and Brian.

Update from AGM: New Committee Members

Posted on 3rd October 2017 by Brian Scobie

The AGM was held on Thursday 28th September.

6 new members of the Parents Association were welcomed onto The Committee.

Carlow – Surine Hillebrand

Kildare – Siobhan Hanway

Laois – Gillian Purser

Laois – Valerie Whitten

Kilkenny – Geraldine Kearney

Wexford – Henry Chamney

The first meeting of the new committee will be Tuesday 10th October, at which a new Treasurer , PRO and Deputy Chairman will be elected.

Notice of Annual General Meeting

Posted on 18th September 2017 by Brian Scobie

Kilkenny College Parents Association

Notice of Annual General Meeting

Date: Thursday 28th September 2017 @ 7.30pm

Venue: Mc Adoo Hall, Kilkenny College

Refreshments served from 7pm

Guest Speaker: Prof Donal O’Shea


The Kilkenny College Parents association would like to invite you to attend our AGM on Thursday 28th September 2017. Our guest speaker for the evening is Professor Donal O’Shea.

Prof. Donal O’Shea is a Consultant Endocrinologist and Physician based in St Vincent’s University Hospital and St Columcilles Hospital. His talk is entitled ‘Healthy Eating & Active Living in 2017’

We will hold two elections at the AGM. One for the election of new members to the Parents Association Committee and one for the election of two Parent Nominees on the Board of Management.

Parents Association Committee

We currently have 6 vacancies for the Parents Association committee. We would welcome any parent/guardian who is interested in joining the committee. We would particularly welcome parents/guardians from the Kilkenny, Waterford, Wicklow, Laois & Offaly regions following retirements of committee members this year. Nominations will be accepted at the AGM.

Election of Parent Nominees to the Board of Management

The current Board of Management has reached the end of its term of office. At the AGM we will elect the two parent nominees for the incoming Board of Management.

The Board of Management has a three year term of office. The Board of Management look after the management & welfare of the school.  The Board meets once a month. In total there are approximately nine meetings per school year. The Parent Nominees also become ‘ex officio’ members on the Parents Association.

Under BOM guidelines we are required to have gender balance so we are seeking one male nominee and one female nominee. We also require at least one parent to represent boarders. The election is open to all parents/guardians who have a child attending Kilkenny College. If you would like to put your name forward for the election please complete the attached Nomination Form which has to be signed by yourself and two other parents who are proposing & seconding your nomination.

Completed nomination forms can be presented at the meeting, by email or post. However, please ensure you have sent your expression of interest to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or Chairperson KCPA c/o School Office Kilkenny College, Castlecomer Road, Kilkenny by Monday 25th September 2017 to have your name included on the ballot paper.

We look forward to seeing you at the AGM at the end of the month.

Yours sincerely,

Nick Bennett


March and April Funding Requests

Posted on 9th April 2017 by Brian Scobie

Over the March and April meetings the Parents Association Committee funding of just under €3,500 to a variety of requests. 

Dishwashers were approved for both the 6th Year Boarder Boys and the 6th Year Border Girls.

Contributions for the cost of accommodation for the Kate Russell Hockey Tournament, the Minor Boys Hockey trip to Northern Ireland and the Minor Girls Hockey Trip to Dublin. We also funded Medals for the South East Hockey Cup.

A request from one of the Senior Students resulted in funding for Megaphones and Drums to be used by pupils supporting the various school teams at sports matches

February Funding Approvals

Posted on 8th February 2017 by Brian Scobie

At the February committee meeting the following funding requests were approved ;

  • 6th year Hoodies for the Debs €1,190
  • Music Department Formal Folders for the Choirs €1,100
  • Support towards Hockey Equipment Storage Unit €4,000
  • Outside seating for Girls Dorms  €1,400
  • P.E. Benches €955

Annual Carol Service

Posted on 1st December 2016 by Brian Scobie



In  The Cathedral of St. Canice  


@ 11:00 a.m, on Monday 19th December


Refreshments for Parents/Guardians in 

Rothe House, Parliament Street

 following the Service 

Courtesy of the Parents’ Association

2016 /2017 Parents Association Committee

Posted on 24th November 2016 by Brian Scobie

The Committee for the coming year is as follows. We welcome our new members onboard, and look forward to meeting up with them at our December meeting. Nixk Bennett is the new chairman, Colin Feely remains as treasurer and Brian Scobie as Website / PRO. The new secretary will be appointed at the December meeting and the sub groups finalised for the year ahead. All parents please remember that The Parents Association is there to promote the interests of all pupils at the school, if you want the Committee to raise any issues with the school please send your contact details and county to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and the relevant member will be in touch.

County Kilkenny:

  • Nick Bennett
  • Colin Feely
  • Brian Scobie
  • Jackie Treacy
  • Dermot Dalton
  • Kieran Dempsey
  • John Clarke
  • Ger O’Neill
  • Sol Saez
  • Kieran Pryal
  • Amanda O’Flaherty
  • Helen Dobson

County Carlow:

  • Patrick Empey
  • Fiona Hawkins

County Kildare:


  • Dawn Barrett

County Laois/Offaly:

  • Richard Jack
  • Alan Stanley

County Tipperary:

  • Jenny Fahy
  • Eileen Spens

County Waterford:

  • Julie Green
  • Trish Power

County Wicklow/Dublin:

  • Sinead Hamilton
  • Elaine Smyth Collier
  • Doro Callinan

County Wexford:

  • Glen Jacob
  • George Steacy

Ex-Officio – Parent Representatives on the Board of Management:

  • Shelly Stokes
  • Derek Beattie

AGM 2016

Posted on 23rd November 2016 by Brian Scobie

The AGM of the Parents Association took place in The McAdoo Hall last night.

Highlight was the very entertaining talk given by  Dr Fergus Heffernan

We will update the information about the new committee members in the next few days.

Thanks to Mr Simon Thompson and his staff and to all parents that were in attendance.

2015 AGM Minutes

Posted on 23rd November 2016 by Brian Scobie

Kilkenny College Parents Association Minutes of AGM Held on Tuesday 15 September 2015 at the Newpark Hotel, Kilkenny at 7.30pm

Officers Present: Chairperson – Kieran Pryal, Secretary – Julia Glass

Kieran Pryal opened the meeting by welcoming all parents and the Headmaster Mr Simon Thompson. Apologies: Shelly Stokes, Derek Beattie, Louise Pim, Mark Kennedy, Johnny Honner, Elaine Smyth Collier, David Burgess and Dermot Dalton. Minutes: The minutes of the 2014 AGM having been read were proposed by Mandy Beattie and seconded by Kieran Dempsey. Chairpersons Report Kieran Pryal started by thanking the members of the Parents Association for their work over the year and in particular the members finishing their term on the committee. This included George Steacy, Louise Pim and Johnny Honner. Kieran also confirmed that he was finishing his 4 year term.

Activities undertaken during the year by the Parents Association included holding the 2014 AGM with John Lonergan as guest speaker, Christmas Carol Service Parents Reception, Careers Evening, Dragon’s Den TY Event and the Debs Ball including Parents Reception.

The Treasurer’s Report handed out provided detail of income and expenditure for the year. Funding Requests that had been received and approved by the Parents Association included new lockers, building signage around the school, common room equipment for day pupils, furniture for boarding houses, a practice piano and two electronic keyboards, printing press and other art room equipment, TY Yearbook and Dragon’s Den Prizes, Kate Russell Hockey Tournament, contributions to the debating and sailing teams travelling to competitions, and prizes for the Junior Mace hosted by the college.

Parents Association Nominations New Committee Members:

Sol Saez (Co Kilkenny) nominated C Feely & seconded by K Pryal

Ger O’Neill (Co Kilkenny) nominated G Jacob & seconded B Scobie

Sinead Hamilton (Co. Wicklow) nominated M Beattie & seconded by J Glass

Committee Members Re-elected after 2 years:

Colin Feely (Co Kilkenny) nominated K Pryal & seconded N Bennett

Brian Scobie (Co Kikenny) nominated J Glass & seconded K Dempsey

Jackie Treacy (Co Kilkenny) nominated M Beattie & seconded K Pryal

Mark Kennedy (Co Kilkenny) nominated K Pryal & seconded J Glass

Karen Roberts (Co Kilkenny) nominated M Beattie & seconded K Dempsey

Richard Jack (Co Offaly) nominated G Steacy & seconded C Feely

Alan Stanley (Co Laois) nominated B Scobie & seconded K Pryal

Julie Green ( Co Waterford) nominated J Treacy & seconded J Glass

Headmaster’s Address Simon Thompson thanked the PA committee for their support and investment in the school, and in particular the Christmas and Debs receptions which had been well attended and wonderful events.

The visit by An Taoiseach, Enda Kenny, had been a highlight of the year. Kilkenny College is one of the largest schools in the country, but still has a framework to allow individuals to develop. High standards are set and while trying and succeeding is good, effort is rewarded. It is the largest co-ed boarding school and has a happy yet secure environment. Smart cards have been introduced to help keep records and for security purposes.

The school is in a transition period following return to the ‘Free Schools Scheme’. Enrolments in 2015 were 824, in 2016 were 850 and in 2016 will be 865. There will eventually be 6 class groups of 24 pupils in each of the 6 years. There are currently 17 international students, adding diversity to the school. Leaving Cert results have been outstanding this year with all exams passed. More students have taken Junior Cert Maths at higher level, at the school this was 76% of students, where as the national average is 55%. This is typical across all subject areas.

Priorities in the school are the IT infrastructure, appointment of a chaplain, reroofing of the McAdoo Hall, day pupil common room, replacement of the old hockey pitch and the proposed Music and Arts Building.

The ‘Senior Cycle Social Area’ has been successfully completed in the Swift Building, funded by BOD and PA contribution. A redundant science lab is being renovated to form the new school chapel, which is to be opened with a formal dedication. Application has been made to the DoES for refurbishment of the McAdoo Hall. The Incorporated Society are assisting with the cost of replacing the old hockey pitch later this year.


J Eviston, from the floor, complimented the school on the Senior Cycle Social Area in the Swift Building, which has been a great success.

Guest Speaker Unfortunately our guest speaker cancelled at the last minute and we were most thankful to Simon Thompson who stepped in at the last minute and talked on changes to the Junior Cycle.

Parents Association AGM

Posted on 10th November 2016 by Brian Scobie

All Parents of students attending Kilkenny College are members of the Parents Association automatically.

The AGM this year is taking place in The McAdoo Hall on Tuesday 22nd November at 7.30 PM . Refreshments will be available from 7.00 PM prior to the AGM.

The Parents Association Committee is seeking new members  particularly from the following counties.

Kildare x 2, Tipperary x 2, Wexford/ Dublin x 1, Kilkenny / Carlow x 1

If any parent is interested in getting involved and wants more information on joining the committee, please speak to a current committee member or email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

All Parents are very welcome, and we hope to see you there.

Compass Interactive Meeting

Posted on 10th November 2016 by Brian Scobie

You are invited to: Compass Interactive Meeting

Date: Saturday 19th November, 2016

Time: 10.30 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Venue:  Dundalk Grammar School, Dundalk, Co Louth



10.30 a.m.       Coffee on arrival

11.00 a.m.       Presentation and Discussion: “Healthy Eating and Active Living in 2016”

We are delighted that this talk will be presented by

Prof. Donal O’Shea

Consultant Endocrinologist – St Columcille’s and St Vincent’s University Hospitals, Clinical Professor of Medicine – University College Dublin


Professor O’Shea qualified from University College Dublin in 1989 and then moved to Hammersmith Hospital in London. Completed an MD with Professor Stephen Bloom on GLP-1 and appetite control. Moved to current position establishing the first hospital based multidisciplinary treatment unit for the management of adult obesity in the country. Is a member of the Department of Health special action group on obesity established in 2011 and chaired a group carrying out a health impact assessment on the potential benefits and harms of a tax on sugar sweetened drinks. Has presented the EU Ministers for Health and the Director General of the WHO on the importance of prevention of childhood obesity. Has specific interests in and published over 100 peer reviewed publications on obesity, thyroid eye disease, gut endocrine tumours and gender identity disorder. Has supervised a number of clinicians to completion of their PhD’s.

12.30 p.m.       Lunch for those who would like to avail of it.  (If so please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

We hope that many parents from Compass affiliated schools can attend and look forward to seeing you at Dundalk Grammar School.  We extend our thanks to the Headmaster, Mr. Jonathan Graham, for facilitating this Interactive Meeting.

Julie Carr – Secretary COMPASS

KCPA Annual General Meeting

Posted on 21st October 2016 by Brian Scobie

The AGM of the Parents Association will be held this year in The College on Tuesday 22nd November at 7.30 . The venue is the MacAdoo Hall.

Guest Speaker is Dr Fergus Heffernan

The AGM is open to all parents with children attending Kilkenny College.

A full Agenda will be published shortly.

National Parents Council Annual Conference

Posted on 21st October 2016 by Brian Scobie

Annual Conference for parents of secondary school children – a free
information laden day with lunch. Takes place at the Tullamore Court Hotel on Saturday 5th November.

8.30am to 9.30am                           Coffee Registration
9.30am to 1.15pm                           Morning session
1.15pm to 2.00pm                           Lunch
2.00pm to  5.30pm                          Afternoon session


Parents Charter
This year we will hear about the development of the long awaited
Parents Charter giving you the chance to add your voice and take part
in a discussion with senior management of the Department of Education
and Skills.

New Junior Cycle /New Leaving Certificate Grading
Our conference will major on the new child-centred education and
learning methodology and curriculum for Secondary schools. Uplifting
practical examples of what this means for the education of our
children. What are the roadblocks and how can we as parents influence

Apprenticeships reinvented following Europe’s lead imagining the future.

How and why is this concept part of the art of learning? How will the
concept impact on our children?

Vaccines administered in our schools
The HPV vaccine, Separating fact from fiction, Hear and discuss with
the experts.

Teacher Complaints
A subject close of the heart of all parents. When things go wrong: The
new horizon when complaints are aired is the new procedure now enacted
in legislation adequate? Hear and get your opportunity to question the

The meaning of Consent and the importance of consent in the lives of
our children.

Dads  Today –  where  are they and more importantly where should they be.

Your opportunity to put questions to the experts about all of above
formal agenda to follow post registration.Share this event on Facebook

March Committee Meeting

Posted on 14th March 2016 by Brian Scobie

At the March meeting of the Kilkenny College Parents Association Committee, funding requests were approved for the folllowing: –

  • U14 Boys Badminton All Ireland Final Accommodation €40.00 per pupil
  • Wesley Music Festival Accommodation €40.00 per pupil
  • School Debating Senior Mace Accommodation €40.00 per pupil
  • Art Department Equipment Request significant contribution
  • IT equipment for Hockey Coaching significant contribution
  • New Gym Equipment significant contribution
  • Planting of new trees in College grounds significant contribution
  • Purchase of a Trophy for TY Dragons Den Contest.

Upcoming Events

Posted on 9th December 2015 by Brian Scobie

Wednesday 16th December: Tullow Singers & Chamber Choir  Christmas Concert in Tullow , County Carlow. This is to help raise funds for the Building Development Foundation. Tickets are priced at €12.00 each. Concert starts at 7.00 PM. Watch Facebook and Twitter for more information.

Friday 18th December: The ever popular Christmas Carol Service takes place in St. Canice’s Cathedral at 11.00 AM. After the service the Parents Association are hosting a Refreshments Reception at Rothe House, Parliament Street Kilkenny. Just a short walk from the Cathedral.  We would delighted if you could join us for a Cup of Tea and a Mince Pie.

Tuesday 22nd December: TY Christmas Market takes place in the morning, before school closes for the Christmas Holidays. Idea place to pick up that last minute Christmas gift.

KCPA Committee Meeting

Posted on 26th October 2015 by Brian Scobie

The next KCPA Committee Meeting will take place at the school on Tuesday 10th November 2015. Room and time to be advised.

If there is an issue that you would like to bring to The Committee’s attention please contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..